Think You Have Sciatica? Here's a Helpful Guide


Sciatica is a very common cause of pain in the lower back. Itcould be brought on by different things, such as bulging orherniated disks, spinal stenosis, and spondylolisthesis. It isuncomfortable and can make it difficult for you to functionnormally during the day. This article gives an overview of whatsciatica is, how you can tell if you have it, and the best uppercervical care in Sarasota to address it naturally to avoid anypermanent consequences.

What is sciatica?

It is a condition in the lower back due to the sciatic nervegetting compressed and inflamed. The sciatic nerve – also calledthe large sciatic or great sciatic nerve – is the longest andwidest nerve in the body. It runs from the lower part of your backdown to each leg to the foot and toes.

When you have pinched nerves in your low back (lumbar spine),it’s usually because of a herniated disc. This means that part ofan intervertebral disc has punctured through its outer covering andis pressing on nearby nerves or spinal cord tissue.

Herniated discs generally come from spinal trauma related tofalls, injuries, or car accidents. Other causes may include normalwear-and-tear over time, osteoarthritis (degeneration),overweight/obesity, repetitive motion injuries like excessivelifting, and shoulder rotator cuff tears.

The pain of sciatica can range from mild to excruciating. Itcauses numbness, tingling, or weakness in the leg and foot.Numbness may start at the top of the thigh and travel down to yourtoes. If you experience numbness and weakness in that part, it maybe because one of your discs is pressing on a nerve root calledradiculopathy that travels down to your leg’s sciatic nerve.

Who are at risk of low back pain?

Several risk factors can increase a person’s chances ofsuffering from sciatica. These include:

  • Being overweight or obese
  • Having a bad posture (for example, slouching whilesitting)
  • Sitting for long periods in breaks or getting up and movingaround
  • Having a herniated disc in your spine (also known as a”slipped” or “ruptured” disc)

If you have these risk factors, you will likely be moresusceptible to low back pain caused by sciatica than someone whodoes not. You should reach out to a doctor for diagnosis and adviceon the best available upper cervical care in Sarasota that is atyour disposal.

It’s also a good idea to seek help or diagnosis if you spot anyof the following sciatica symptoms:

  • Pain in your lower back that worsens with movement and is worseat night or when lying on your back
  • Pain that travels from your leg to the feet or toes
  • Pain that worsens with your sitting for long periods and isimproved by standing up or lying down

How to know if you are a candidate for sciatica

Here are some of the questions you should ask yourself whendetermining whether or not you are a candidate for sciatica.

#1. Do I have recurring back pain?

If so, then this is definitely an indication that you may be atrisk. In fact, research shows that one out of every four patientswith chronic low back pain will later develop sciatica.

#2. Do I have a family history of sciatica?

If so, it’s important to note that your risk increases even morebecause your genetic predisposition allows the pain to become moresevere and last longer than in other patients. Ask your parents ifthey have sciatica or check other distant relatives. This can helpyou plan your back pain care plan and make necessary lifestyleadjustments to lower your risks of aggravating your condition.

#3. Do I have a history of being overweight orobese?

Being overweight increases your risk for sciatica because it cancause additional stress on your lower back. Additionally, havingtoo much fat around your waistline may increase the likelihood ofdeveloping diabetes, another risk factor for sciatica.

#4. Do I have a history of smoking or using tobaccoproducts?

Research shows that smoking dramatically increases your risk forlow back pains or sciatica by as much as twofold. This is becausesmoking causes inflammation in the body which can lead to nervecompression and irritation.

#5. Does my low back pain get worse and spread to otherbody parts?

If the pain worsens, it will likely spread down your leg andyour foot. This constant and progressive worsening of symptoms is acrucial sign that you may have sciatica, so take notice if thishappens to you.

#6. Am I having trouble walking and standingstraight?

Sciatica pain or any low back pain can make walking, standing,and sitting difficult. In fact, there are cases where one may evenhave to use crutches or a wheelchair to get around. If this is yourcase, you must see a medical professional as soon as possible sothey can give you the guidance and most effective upper cervicalcare in Sarasota that’ll allow you to return to normal activitylevels.

Natural Forms of Upper Cervical Care in Sarasota

Natural sciatica pain relief is the best way to help your bodyheal. If you are suffering from this debilitating condition and arelooking for a way to ease your pain, here are some of the bestnatural sciatica treatments:

  • Massage therapy – This can be incredibly helpful in easingtension and reducing pain caused by sciatica. A massage therapistwill be able to apply deep pressure on affected muscles, which canloosen them up and reduce swelling and inflammation.
  • Acupuncture – It is an effective natural way of managing muscleand body pains, including those that result from sciatica.Acupuncture works by stimulating endorphins (the body’s natural”feel good” chemicals) while relieving stress on the nervoussystem, which contributes significantly toward relievingsciatica.
  • Cupping therapy – This technique involves using glass cupsfilled with heated air placed over specific points on your body torelieve pain and discomfort.
  • Upper cervical chiropractic – This chiropractic protocol ispromising for patients with sciatica and can help them live withoutthe frustration and pain caused by sciatica. It focuses onrealigning the neck bones, so your spinal column’s overallintegrity and structure improve. It can also help remove thepressure on your irritated sciatic nerve.

Lavender Family Chiropractic – Your Source of Low Back PainRelief

Upper cervical chiropractic care may be a great option if yousuffer from sciatica or low back pain. Chiropractic care can helprelieve back pain, improve your overall health and get you on thepath to a better quality of life.