A Closer Look at the Cause of Your Dizzy Spells


Did you suddenly find that everything around you is spinning like a top? You’re not alone. Vertigo affects almost 40% of people living in the US alone. But what causes vertigo exactly? If it’s your first time experiencing vertigo, it can be quite an unnerving experience. You will feel as if your entire world is spinning, and you have no control over it. If you have been dealing with this problem, this article will provide you with some possible causes of vertigo. This can help you identify the trigger and cause of your vertigo and possibly find an effective vertigo relief in Sarasota.

Common Causes of Peripheral and Central Vertigo

Before we go deeper into the causes of your vertigo, let us point out the two types of vertigo called the peripheral and central. Peripheral vertigo usually stems from a problem in the inner ear. The inner ear is where our body’s system of balance is located. In comparison, central vertigo originates from a problem in the sensory nerve pathways of the brain. Below are some of the common conditions that can lead to vertigo episodes.

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo

Also called BPPV, this is the most common cause of vertigo. Your episodes can be mild to intense and are usually triggered by the changes in the position of your head. Your inner ear has small otolith particles located in the endolymph fluid. When you move your head, these calcium carbonate crystals can touch the sensory hair cells found at the semicircular canals of your inner ear. Your vestibular nerve then sends messages to your brain about your body’s position in the surroundings. When these small otolith particles shift location or stay in the wrong part of your inner ear, your endolymph fluid tends to flow continuously even if your head is steady.


This occurs when your inner ear’s labyrinth gets an infection or inflames. Your vestibulocochlear nerve responsible for transmitting sound, position, and head motion to the brain is located in your labyrinth. If you are diagnosed with labyrinthitis, you may also experience headaches, vision changes, ear pain, tinnitus, or hearing loss. This typically occurs due to a viral infection.

Vestibular Neuronitis

This happens when your vestibular nerve becomes inflamed due to a viral infection. The primary role of this nerve is to send spatial orientation and balance signals to the brain. This can be similar to labyrinthitis without affecting your hearing, and you may experience vertigo, nausea, or blurred vision if you get diagnosed with this condition.


If you experience repetitive ear infections, you tend to develop skin in the middle ear. Once that skin grows bigger, it can affect the eardrum and the bones close to it. Cholesteatoma can lead to dizziness, vertigo, and even permanent hearing loss.

Meniere’s Disease

This relatively rare condition happens when the fluid builds up inside the ear, triggering vertigo episodes. If you have Meniere’s disease, you may experience ringing in the ears called tinnitus, a feeling of fullness in the inner ear, and fluctuating hearing loss. You may also find walking in a straight line challenging due to the unsteady feeling in your legs.

Can You Have Vertigo Due to a Misaligned Upper Spine?

Usually an overlooked condition, a misalignment in your upper cervical spine can bring episodes of vertigo. An upper cervical misalignment diagnosis usually surprises patients looking for long-term vertigo relief in Sarasota.

Your upper cervical spine is more mobile than other sections of your spine, making it highly susceptible to moving out of alignment. Injuries or trauma in the head or neck can also be a significant contributing factor to the misalignment of these bones.

The upper cervical spine consists of the top two bones called the atlas or C1 and the axis or C2. You would not suspect a misalignment in your upper spine because it usually has no pain or symptoms at first. This is because the rest of your spine tends to compensate to keep your head upright. However, this eventually triggers several health problems down the line.

If you recently experienced injury or trauma in the head or neck, we discourage you from downplaying it and thinking that the injury did not affect you. It’s best to keep track of any symptoms related to the injury or trauma even after weeks or months. If a misalignment occurs, your body may prompt a delayed response. It can eventually affect your brainstem function and cerebral blood flow, sending incorrect signals to your brain. Your brain then gets a false perception of the surroundings and body’s location that can affect your overall balance, which can also result in vertigo.

Is a Properly Aligned Upper Cervical Spine Key to Vertigo Relief in San Sarasota?

If your vertigo proves to be due to a misalignment in the upper spine, correcting the alignment can help. The adjustment will relieve your spine from unnecessary pressure and smoothen the flow of communication between your brain and body.

Once your top two bones return to their correct position, the pressure on your brainstem is relieved, and you will be able to start functioning correctly again, with blood flowing normally to and from the brain. Your brain will also stop receiving mixed and distorted signals and messages that can eventually eliminate the discomfort due to vertigo.

Consult with Lavender Family Chiropractic

If you’re keen to explore an upper cervical chiropractic adjustment for vertigo relief in Sarasota, you’ll be in good hands under the care of our Lavender Family Chiropractic. Set a consultation schedule with us. We guarantee that every adjustment is safe, non-invasive, gentle, and targeted to manage your vertigo, help eliminate its symptoms, and avoid future recurrence.

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