Head Disorders

Headaches are one of the most common symptoms of a misalignment in your spine. The C1 or C2 vertebrae are where many headaches start, which can be caused by an inefficiently aligned back region that puts pressure on parts of...
Did you suddenly find that everything around you is spinning like a top? You’re not alone. Vertigo affects almost 40% of people living in the US alone. But what causes vertigo exactly? If it’s your first time experiencing vertigo, it...
Vertigo treatment
The human ear is a very complex organ. What you see outside isjust a small part of it – the outer ear. The inner ear is insideyour head and it contains a series of tiny bones and membranes withtwo crucial...
MdDs Treatment Sarasota
When you read about the military neck syndrome, you probably thought – “ah, I’m not in the army, so I can’t possibly suffer from this issue”. In reality, this is just a term that applies to the condition of having...
Sports Injuries Sarasota
Golfer’s elbow is a misleading name for this painful condition. You don’t have to be a golfer to experience pain and a reduced range of motions in your elbow. In reality, the inflammation of the muscles and ligaments in the...
The human body is the most complex organic piece of machinery on the planet. Human beings are incredibly designed by nature to be self-complimentary. Each of the innate systems we are born with is uniquely interconnected with multiple other systems...