Neck Disorders

Nerve Pain Treatment
This blog should help understand subluxations, their relationship to head trauma, and the role of upper cervical chiropractic care in subluxation prevention and treatment. By providing information about subluxations, readers will be better informed on how to recognize subluxations caused...
Accident treatment sarasota
After a car accident, most people need medical attention. Some of them are lucky enough to walk away with a few scratches and bruises. But for the largest majority, a car crash results in serious injuries, such as fractures, soft...
MdDs Treatment Sarasota
When you read about the military neck syndrome, you probably thought – “ah, I’m not in the army, so I can’t possibly suffer from this issue”. In reality, this is just a term that applies to the condition of having...
Some people are sensitive to pain and see chiropractic adjustments as something unbearable. And experienced chiropractors know that each person is unique, so there isn’t a “one-size-fits-all” type of treatment. When we see a person suffering from neck pain who...
Allergies Food allergies wheat allergies allergic
Multiple Sclerosis Treatment While the medicine does not have answers for the cause of MS or a cure, many people with MS are searching out natural ways to heal themselves. Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractic care and other techniques within the...
Atlas Misalignment
Upper Cervical Chiropractic to the rescue NECK PAIN: We’ve all had it at least once in our lives. That nagging rigidity in our necks makes all types of head movements hell and adversely affects our mood and daily lives. It...

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